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Wielki sen

The Big Sleep
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Wielki sen
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Philip Marlowe: Hmm.

General Sternwood: What does that mean?

Philip Marlowe: It means, hmm.

Carmen Sternwood: You're cute. I like you.

Philip Marlowe: Yeah, what you sees nothing, I got a Balinese dancing girl tattooed across my chest.

Carmen Sternwood: Is he as cute as you are?

Philip Marlowe: Nobody is.

Agnes Lowzier: Is Harry there?

Philip Marlowe: Yeah, yeah, he's here.

Agnes Lowzier: Put him on, will you?

Philip Marlowe: He can't talk to you.

Agnes Lowzier: Why?

Philip Marlowe: Because he's dead.

Do tej listy z 10 innych mozna dopisac:) Zabawne, czasem groteskowe.


Carmen Sternwood: You're cute.

Philip Marlowe: I'm cutter every minute.


Marlowe: You alone, Joe?

Brody: Yeah, except for this.

Marlowe: My, my, my! Such a lot of guns around town and so few brains! You know, you're the second guy I've met today that seems to think a gat in the hand means the world by the tail.

ocenił(a) film na 10

-Poznał Pan moje córki.
-Tak, jedna z nich usiłowała usiąść mi na kolanach... gdy stałem. :-)

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